ADHD / ADD Testing

See Fees for Testing

My child forgets to do things even when reminded many times.
My child acts as if he/she is driven by a motor.
Even when I speak directly at my child, I’m unsure if he/she is paying attention.
My child struggles to retain information even if it’s been repeated over and over.

My child is always disorganized. He/she loses school papers and assignments regularly.

If you answered yes to any of these questions (or if it made you think of other ways in which your child struggles with inattention/hyperactivity), you may be considering whether an evaluation for ADD/ADHD may be appropriate for your child.

You may be thinking, “how can my child sit still for hours watching a TV show or playing video games, but struggle so much to focus and take notes in class and complete homework?”

This is very common with children with ADHD. Research indicates that the the type of attention required for watching a screen or engaging in a game is not the same as the type of attention required to complete schoolwork or pay attention in class.

To assess possible ADHD, we conduct thorough assessments to assess all areas of functioning which may be impacted. This includes:

  • intelligence testing (verbal comprehension, visual spatial skills, fluid reasoning, working memory, and processing speed)
  • academic screening (reading, writing, and math)
  • direct attention assessment
  • executive functioning
  • ADHD-specific parent/teacher/student rating scales

Using research based assessment and intervention strategies, we can work together to get to the bottom of your child’s attention difficulties and work on a plan to help them be more successful at both home and school.